If you have had a tooth extraction, a blood clot must form to stop bleeding and begin the healing process. You may have to bite down on a gauze pad and bite firmly for 30 minutes at a time, multiple times.
Do not disturb or dislodge the blood clot. Do not rinse vigorously, drink using a straw, smoke, drink alcohol, or brush your teeth near the extraction site for 72 hours. Limit exercise as this increases blood pressure and could lead to more bleeding.
You may experience some pain and swelling after a tooth extraction. Using an ice pack or bag of frozen peas can keep swelling to a minimum. Swelling usually subsides after 48 hours.
Use your pain medication and antibiotics as directed. Drink fluids and eat high-nutrient soft foods on the day of your extraction.
Resume your normal dental routine after 24 hours to speed healing and keep your mouth fresh and clean.
If you experience heavy bleeding, severe pain, or swelling after 2-3 days, or a reaction to your medication, contact Dr. Medel immediately.