Removing impacted teeth is a serious surgical procedure, which makes post-operative care critical. In order to minimize the pain and complications of infection and swelling, follow these instructions:
Immediately Following Wisdom Tooth Removal
Bleeding, oozing, and redness in the saliva is not uncommon following surgery. Rise or wipe blood clots from your mouth, then place a gauze pad over the area and bite down firmly for thirty minutes. Repeat if necessary.
Swelling around your mouth, eyes, cheeks, and sides of the face is not uncommon. This is a normal reaction. By using ice packs, you can minimize swelling. Leave them on your face continuously while you are awake until 36 hours after the surgery. There is no cause for alarm if you experience swelling or jaw stiffness.
Dr. Medel will instruct you on which over-the-counter medications you can take for moderate pain. If you experience severe pain, take medications prescribed to you and do not operate automobiles or work around machinery. If your pain persists, contact Dr. Medel at the Corsicana Oral & Facial Surgery offices.
Following general anesthetic or IV sedation, you should stick to liquids without using straws. The sucking motion to pull liquid from the glass can cause more bleeding. Only eat soft foods, chewing away from the surgical sites. Take regular nourishment, and drink fluids regularly to prevent dehydration. Drink 5 to 6 glasses of liquid daily. Try not to miss a single meal.
You may brush your teeth the night of your surgery, but rinse gently without spitting. After your surgery, you should rinse at least 5 to 6 times a day with salt water especially after eating.
Discoloration is not unusual following surgery. You may experience the development of black, green, blue, or yellow discoloration 2-3 days after your operation.
Take any antibiotic tablets or liquids as directed. These are provided to prevent infection. Contact Dr. Medel if you have any questions regarding medications.
If you experience nausea and/or vomiting after your surgery, do not consume anything for at least an hour including your prescribed medications. Sip on carbonated beverages or tea over a 15 minute period.