Corsicana Oral & Facial Surgery provides both cosmetic and medical facial mole removal procedures to patients of all ages and skin types in the Corsicana area.

The cosmetic mole removal procedure is used to remove bothersome or unsightly moles from the face that are large, dark, bumpy, and generally undesirable. If you wish to have a facial mole removed, you may consult with Dr. Medel regarding your options for a surgical procedure to remove the mole. Dr. Medel will examine your skin and mole to determine whether or not the mole relates to skin cancer and may have a biopsy performed to ensure the mole is not cancerous.

The complexity of a facial mole removal at our Corsicana office depends on the depth and size of the mole in question. First, Dr. Medel will use a local anesthetic to numb the skin and create a clean incision to remove the necessary amount of tissue. After the procedure and in the following weeks, the area of skin where the mole removed will scab over as it heals. Facial mole removal involves a fairly simple and painless recovery with minimal scarring, discoloration, or irregular lines in the skin.

If you have questions regarding facial mole removal in Corsicana, Texas, contact Corsicana Oral & Facial Surgery today to schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Medel.