Impacted Canines

If you have an impacted tooth, that tooth cannot erupt into function. Patients with impacted teeth face problems with their teeth becoming stuck in their jaw, often developing painful infections among other problems.

Wisdom teeth are the most commonly impacted teeth, followed by the maxillary cuspid (upper eyetooth or canine). While the wisdom tooth is typically extracted because of its lack of a functional need, the cuspid plays a critical role in your bite.

If a cuspid tooth becomes impacted, oral surgeons and dentists do everything possible to move it to its proper position in the dental arch.

What to Expect From Surgery on an Impacted Tooth?

Surgery on impacted teeth is a very straightforward surgical procedure performed at Corsicana Oral & Facial Surgery. The majority of patients receive laughing gas and local anesthesia, while some patients may elect for IV sedation.

The procedure itself generally lasts for 75 minutes to 105 minutes. While there may be some discomfort after the surgery at the surgical sites, the majority of patients find Tylenol or Advil to be sufficient at pain management. Dr. Medel will see you seven to ten days after surgery to evaluate the healing process and ensure you are maintaining good oral hygiene.